Friday, December 23, 2011

Back after a while...

Interesting.. just landed here on accident.. and happy that it doesn't sound like bullsxxx.. it does make sense, at least to me. now that i am back here again, i might as well post something.. at least that I read this and it doesn't sound like buxxs.

That's creative name whispers from mundane life huh.. what has it been for last 2 yrs then ? slightly bigger mundane... but come one drive to Himalayas..two times in two years is not bad for a slightly bigger mundane... now ride on a bike to Himalayas will be something you can boast about to call it even slightly more mundane.. :)

Achieved what you wanted to achieve in two years ? yessw.. i don't know exact goals.. but yes it feels like I did... now is the right time to think about what next ? Bike ride to Himalayas is given... question is what else !?

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